What makes taking up education loan through NBFCs a good idea

While you cannot put a price tag on dreams, unfortunately with the ever-rising cost of education, proper funding becomes extremely important to enable young students to realize their dreams. This funding usually comes in the form of student loans. There are a number of financial institutions present across India that offers student loans. You can visit the websites of such institutions, use the EMI calculator for education loans present there, compare rates, and subsequently select the ideal type of loan to borrow from the right institution. When thinking about education loans, the very first thing that would immediately come to your mind would be typical bank loans. However, today a lot of banks in the public sector have become more stringent with their loan offerings, after struggling to deal with NPAs (Non-performing Assets). In this situation, taking up a loan from NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Corporations) would be a viable alternative. The key difference between an NBFC and a ban...